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Bible, Theology & Ministry

Searching For Biblical Topics


Searching for Bible books as subjects in the library catalog is unique with any subject searches starting with Bible.

Ex. Old Testament is listed as Bible. Old Testament

Ex. Matthew is listed as Bible. New Testament. Matthew

Searching for Romans as keyword or subject results in the historical people of Rome.

Bible. New Testament. Romans is the subject listing for the Bible book.

Searching The Catalog

To help you with your search, consider these search options listed in the drop down menu:

  • Keyword. This the default search option. Type in any words you want and click search. Ex.: homeless, Holocaust, pollution
  • Author. Enter author's name: last name, first name. Ex. Patterson, James
  • Title. Select this option when you have the title. Ex. 7 habits of highly effective people
  • Subject. Enter one or two words that describes your topic. Ex. gun control or euthanasia
  • Series. Enter the name of a series of books. Ex. Opposing Viewpoints or World Biblical Commentary
  • Periodical Title.  Click here to find an article in a journal or periodical.

Library of Congress Classification

  • BL - BX Religion 
  • PA  - Greek language
  • PJ - Hebrew language 

Library of Congress Call Numbers

Video created by the University of Arkansas Library

What is a Bible Commentary?

Video created by Marquette University

Academic vs. Lay Commentaries 


Academic commentaries focus on the detailed aspects of a passage such as context, literary meaning, translations, sources, etc. Their general approach is critical with attentive to detail. They may or may not be theological or include practical comments for application in life (devotional).

Lay commentaries are similar but are not as critical. Their focus is on how to apply a particular passage for spiritual formation. They emphasize application and personal impact. 

See the attached chart for specific examples.

Finding Bible Commentaries 

Video created by Marquette University