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Graduate Studies: Graduate Studies: Find Articles

Online Databases

To find the best online database for your class and your topic, click on the "Databases A to Z" tab at the top of this page. Hovering over each title will provide you with information on the database, allowing you to select the best one for your purpose.

Before You Search...

  1. Identify keywords in your topic.
  2. Choose the best database.
  3. Use 1-2 words per search box.
  4. Combine "keyword phrases" with AND.
  5. Use limiters as needed (dates, scholarly (peer reviewed).
  6. Evaluate your results by reading abstracts.
  7. Look at subject terms assigned to a good article to focus search.
  8. No full text? Use Journal Finder on Journals tab.
  9. The Cite button will help with footnotes.

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