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Databases for Communication

Evaluating Websites

Search engines like Google or Bing find websites of all levels of quality and value.

These Web sites were chosen by your librarian based on the following standards. Keep these things in mind when deciding if a website is reliable and appropriate for your research.

  • author has credibility
  • objective and unbiased
  • accurate
  • recently updated
  • educational purpose

Always check with your instructor to find out if you can use free (non-Library) websites for your assignments.

Remember, if looking for journal articles, library databases are the most efficient tool for searching.

Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals

Video created by the Vanderbilt University Peabody Library.
Thumbnail of a man with glasses holding two pieces of paper one reading Goal: Find 5 sources and the other saying Sources MUST be Scholarly. In the top right corner is black lettering reading Scholarly versus Popular Periodicals.