Full-text coverage of all business disciplines including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management, and strategy, as well as business theory and practice.
EBSCO Business Source Complete provides full text articles and abstracts from a large selection of scholarly business journals. Topics cover every area of business including marketing, management, MIS, POM, economics, finance, accounting, and international business.
Comprehensive database that covers all aspects of starting and operating a business, including accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, tax, and more. It combines authoritative periodical and reference content to support prospective and current entrepreneurs as well as business students.
Profiles of every U.N. recognized country including 90+ Economist Intelligence Unit reports; SWOT reports (quarterly updates), GlobalData industry research reports; Plunkett industry reports; market share and business rankings; company histories and chronologies; global company, country, and business topic overviews with quick links; full-text articles; case studies; business executive video interviews; interactive LiveCharts; and more.
Coverage for full-text business publications, on a regional level, for the United States and Canadian provinces. Includes newspapers, radio & TV news transcripts, trade publications, magazines and newswires.
Research Process
Choose your topic & isolate potential keywords. Use synonyms.
Use your textbook & reference sources.
Determine what types of sources are needed & begin searching.
Evaluate the quality, quantity & relevance of your sources.
Be sure to cite any ideas you have used that are not your own.