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Research in Databases: How to use databases

Research Process

The Research Process

Choose a topic, locate background information, design your research strategy, gather sources, evaluate your sources, assess and revise as needed.

  1. Choose your topic & isolate potential keywords. Use synonyms.
  2. Use your textbook & reference sources.
  3. Determine what types of sources are needed & begin searching.
  4. Evaluate the quality, quantity & relevance of your sources.
  5. Be sure to cite any ideas you have used that are not your own.
  6. Assess your results, & refine as needed.

Picking Your Topic IS Research

Picking Your Topic IS Research!

Video created by NCSU Libraries.

Introduction to EBSCOhost

Introduction to EBSCOhost

Introduction to the new EBSCOhost interface

Introduction to the new EBSCOhost interface

DynaMed Overview

DynaMed Overview

ProQuest Basic Search

ProQuest Basic Search

Gale Academic OneFile

Gale Academic OneFile